Getting Real with Fitness: “Getting Motivated and Staying on Track”

This seminar is for the person who is not exercising regularly or does not exercise at all. Even if they want to, they just can’t seem to fit it into their busy schedules. Inherent in that, either they don’t make it a priority, don’t understand the need and/or benefit of doing so, can’t seem to get the motivation, or simply may not know where and how to start. This seminar will encourage an individual to take action by addressing the above issues. Components of the seminar include:

  • Benefits of exercising
  • Exercise Facts versus Myths
  • Components of a good exercise program, including aerobic/cardiovascular and strength training.
  • A basic exercise program that can fit into busy lifestyles that one can begin right away.

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Somerset, NJ

Natural Medicine & Rehabilitation

Long Branch, NJ

West End Physical Therapy
Affiliate of Natural Medicine & Rehabilitation