Remedies to Gas and Bloating

We know that appropriate digestive enzymes are released when our brain is just thinking about food and our eyes and nose are watching/smelling food. If we are not mindful at the time we eat and we distract our brain with other tasks, these processes are delayed or arrested which will result in indigestion. Gas and […]

Healthy for the Holidays

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Ahh the holidays…a time when we typically lose track of healthy habits, i.e. crazier schedules, parties with more unhealthy foods, late nights, alcohol and high stress (both positive and negative). Being out of our normal routines can cause many things including stress, a greater tendency for our immune system to break down and sometimes…tummy […]

Who’s ready to DETOX?

Who’s ready to DETOX? Schedule your 90 minute consultation with Dr. Claudia to learn how to detox your body & home. Fight weight gain, inflammation and bloating Learn how to detoxify your body with foods & juicing Juicing guidelines and juicing protocols Practical steps to shop and prepare your foods Learn how to filter your […]