Women’s Holistic Health Workshop 10/24/2019

In a world that communicates behind screens we believe that sharing physical space, and face to face communication are among the highest quality, most therapeutic interactions we can have as humans. We want to share space with you at this event that will be opening conversations and offering answers to a wide variety of women’s […]

Women’s Holistic Health Workshop


Bridge Exercise for Pelvic Health

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Pelvic Floor Exercises help build and restore strength in the group of muscles that support the pelvic organs. Benefits include: Pelvic floor activation and stability Core activation and stability Gluteal strength Adductor (inner thigh) strength Hamstring strength Directions on how to properly perform the Bridge Exercise: Lying of floor with knees bent Place a ball […]

Depression. It’s not all in our head!

IT ‘S NOT IN YOUR HEAD! Approximately 12 million women are diagnosed with depression in the USA. This devastating condition could be rooted in physical dysfunction including nutrient deficiencies,  thyroid disease, sleep disorders, hormonal imbalances among others. Thyroid imbalances are the most common cause for post-partum depression. Your doctor wants to help you by prescribing […]

A Women’s Monthly Cycle

Does this look complex? It is a simplified graph of a woman’s monthly cycle. Our uterus is the only organ that builds tissue from scratch and breaks it down every single month if pregnancy did not occur.It is truly miraculous! This process is choreographed under the influence of a complex and delicate hormonal cascade. If […]

Progesterone is released as a reward after ovulation

Progesterone.  We ALL need more of this super star hormone! It is released as a reward after ovulation and raises during the luteal phase of our monthly cycle bringing some amazing benefits: reduces inflammation builds muscles protects against heart disease calms the nervous system and makes it easier to cope with stress by converting to […]

Reclaim your life after Cancer

If you have ever been told ‘you have cancer’, you know how quickly those 3 little words can change your life.  One moment you are fine and the next you are in survival mode.  We are here to help you Reclaim Your Life after Cancer. Whether you have recently been diagnosed or have been a […]