Day #13

Today we did some research about nutrition to gain a better understanding about the food we are eating. We created a summary for ourselves as a quick reference. It just happened to make for a good blog entry.

 Nutrition facts:

Protein – rebuilds muscle tissue, supports fat loss for energy, provides calcium, vitamin A, B2, B12, supports the immune system, appetite suppressant, and maintains growth of hair, nails, and skin.Protein acts as a stabilizer for sugars, slowing down the process that glucose, sugar, travels into the bloodstream.

Types of protein:

Complete Proteins – complete protein source is one that provides all of the essential amino acids. Animal-based foods; for example, meat, poultry, fish, milk, eggs, and cheese are considered complete protein sources.

Incomplete Proteins – Fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts are types of incomplete proteins.

People who eat a vegetarian diet can still get all their essential amino acids by eating a wide variety of protein-rich vegetable foods. For instance, you can’t get all the amino acids you need from peanuts alone, but if you have peanut butter on whole-grain bread you’re set.

If you would like more information about protein.


Carbohydrates – Carbohydrates are sugars that provide energy, better concentration, and good source of fiber. Fibrous Carbohydrates are fruits and vegetables which are a natural source that is full of nutritional value.

Types of Carbohydrates:

Simple carbohydrates – These are also called simple sugars. Simple sugars are found in refined sugars. But you’ll also find simple sugars in more nutritious foods, such as fruit and milk. It’s better to get your simple sugars from food like fruit and milk. Why? Because sugar isn’t added to these foods and they also contain vitamins, fiber, and important nutrients like calcium.

Complex carbohydrates – These are also called starches. Starches include grain products, such as bread, crackers, pasta, and rice. As with simple sugars, some complex carbohydrate foods are better choices than others. Refined (say: ree-find) grains, such as white flour and white rice, have been processed, which removes nutrients and fiber. But unrefined grains still contain these vitamins and minerals. Unrefined grains also are rich in fiber, which helps your digestive system work well. Fiber helps you feel full, so you are less likely to overeat these foods. That explains why a bowl of oatmeal fills you up better than sugary candy with the same amount of calories as the oatmeal.

When you eat carbs, your body breaks them down into simple sugars, which are absorbed into the bloodstream. As the sugar level rises in your body, the pancreas releases a hormone called insulin. Insulin is needed to move sugar from the blood into the cells, where the sugar can be used as a source of energy.

When this process goes fast — as with simple sugars — you’re more likely to feel hungry again soon. When it occurs more slowly, as with a whole-grain food, you’ll be satisfied longer. These types of complex carbohydrates give you energy over a longer period of time.

If you would like more information about carbohydrates.


Fats – Fat is an important part of a healthy diet. Fats aide in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K), they are the building blocks of hormones and they are necessary for insulating all nervous system tissues in the body.

Types of fats:

Unsaturated fats – These are found in plants and fish. Unsaturated fats are called good fats because they can improve blood cholesterol levels, ease inflammation, stabilize heart rhythms, and play a number of other beneficial roles. The best of the unsaturated fats are found in olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, albacore tuna, and salmon.

Saturated fats – These fats are found in meat and other animal products, such as butter, cheese, and all milk except skim. Saturated fats are also in palm and coconut oils, which are often used in commercial baked goods (the kind you buy at the store). Eating too much saturated fat can raise blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease.

Trans fats – These fats are found in margarine, especially the sticks. Trans fats are also found in certain foods that you buy at the store or in a restaurant, such as snack foods, baked goods, and fried foods. When you see “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” oils on an ingredient list, the food contains trans fats. Trans fats are also listed on the food label. Like saturated fats, trans fats can raise cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease.

Fats provide essential fatty acids, energy, appetite suppressant; good fats help our bodies release the bad fats. If your daily fat intake is cut back too much, your body will preserve fat for survival rather than release it for energy.

If you would like more information on fats


Facts used in this blog from:

About The Author

Dr. Vince Sferra

Dr. Vince Sferra

Dr. Vincent Sferra is the founder and Clinic Director of Natural Medicine & Rehabilitation. He is Board Certified in Chiropractic Medicine and Chiropractic Neurology, a Certified Clinical Nutritionist, and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist certified by the National Strength & Conditioning Association. He has been in practice and providing educational health and wellness programs in the community since 1986.

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