Your oral health plays a critical role in your overall health and wellness. As holistic healthcare practitioners, we believe that all parts of the human body are connected, and no part works in isolation to another. With the addition of Dr. Nemie Sirilan’s services, we are committed to improving our patients’ health and well-being through the many links that exist between oral health and overall health. The importance of maintaining good oral health, as the immune system starts in the gut, and the gut starts in the mouth, can help a variety of potential health risks.

For example, there are a variety of potentially serious health risks associated with sleep and breathing disorders that may be the result of underdeveloped upper and lower jaws. Sleep breathing disorders range from mild snoring, without any drop in blood oxygen, to full-blown Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), when breathing stops for 10 seconds or longer, with a blood oxygen drop of 4% or more. The body lives on blood sugar and oxygen, and the mouth is involved in both, making a holistic dentist a logical health professional to screen Sleep Breathing Disorders. Sleep apnea results from a collapse of the upper airway, and the tongue is a key obstruction in Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). A new study shows that tongue position in relation to the throat is a predictor of OSA.

Dr. Nemie Sirilan offers a free whole-body health and wellness assessment to help you identify potential health risks associated with oral health and the proper development of your upper and lower jaws. Our in-home sleep wellness assessment can help you or someone you love who may be suffering from health concerns such as: snoring, teeth grinding, mouth breathing, asthma, chronic fatigue, hypertension, diabetes, headaches, just to mention few.

Dr. Nemie Sirilan believes that the most effective way to improve overall health is to take a holistic approach to your dental care. Dr. Sirilan strives to give you the best care through holistic techniques, non-toxic restorative materials, education and creating a supportive relationship. She aims to provide you with the highest standard of treatment, in a caring and comfortable environment, relevant to your needs. Dr. Sirilan graduated from New York University College of Dentistry in 2002. Prior to this, she earned her doctorate of Dental Medicine degree at Southwestern University, Philippines. She practiced for two years until she decided to pursue her dental profession in the United States in 1999. She’s finishing her certification in Naturopathic Medicine. In addition, she continues to be an active member of the IAOMT (International Academy Of Oral Medicine and Toxicology) and HDA (Holistic Dental Association)

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About The Author

Dr. Vince Sferra

Dr. Vince Sferra

Dr. Vincent Sferra is the founder and Clinic Director of Natural Medicine & Rehabilitation. He is Board Certified in Chiropractic Medicine and Chiropractic Neurology, a Certified Clinical Nutritionist, and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist certified by the National Strength & Conditioning Association. He has been in practice and providing educational health and wellness programs in the community since 1986.

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