Running Injury Prevention in Somerset, NJ

Running, as part of your exercise routine, can provide many health benefits!  It decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease/death by 65% at any age, improves joint health, improves body composition and has positive effects on stress management and anxiety. Running is an easy exercise as it does not require specific equipment or being in a specific place, therefore it works with a busy schedule. Starting a running program can be done at any age but is best done under the guidance of a healthcare professional that specializes in running. Dr. Clauda Tamas, DPT is a Certified Running Injuries Specialist and can help you get started on a running program or help an experienced runner recover and/or prevent injuries from occurring.

In experienced runners, most injuries are due to training errors, others are due to lack of muscular strength or endurance as it specifically relates to running. Experienced runners that are looking to improve performance or rehabilitate an injury as well as novice runners that want to enjoy the benefits of starting a running program while avoiding injuries can benefit from Dr Claudia’s expertise.
Do you want to start a running program but have been told that running was detrimental for your arthritic joints? Recent studies are showing us the opposite. With appropriate mechanical loading, the stress at the articular surfaces can improve joint health if correctly modulated. Dr Claudia can explain to you how this is achieved and guide you through this process in our office.  Those planning to return to running after a back or lower extremity injury can also benefit from the guidance of a healthcare professional specialized in running in order to avoid further injury or re-injury.

Running is an easy exercise for children to enjoy. As our young population spends more and more time with sedentary activities, starting a running program can be an easy way to promote healthy habits at an early age. Our running programs for children are fun and motivating!

Our services for runners include a detailed general musculoskeletal examination, running analysis, running shoe analysis and recommendations, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries or other musculoskeletal injuries. Running protocols are designed and based on the individual examination. While under our supervision the runners will be periodically reassessed and changes will be made if necessary.

Some of the most common running injuries involve the foot, knee and lower back/pelvis. The cause of injury can be identified in our office through a detailed evaluation and treated with specific interventions that target the structures involved. A return to running program is then designed. The program will be individually tailored to progressively load and stimulate the muscles and joints in a healthy way to produce adaptation.

All runners (experienced and beginners) or non-runners that are thinking of starting a running program in Somerset, NJ can benefit from our services.

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Somerset, NJ

Natural Medicine & Rehabilitation

Long Branch, NJ

West End Physical Therapy
Affiliate of Natural Medicine & Rehabilitation