Wellness Services

A conditioned body is key to long-term good health. Over time, however, it is natural to become “de-conditioned” when good health and fitness habits are neglected. This can lower the body’s resistance, which can lead to almost all known diseases. Ordinary symptoms such as pain, aches, sickness, weight problems, poor posture, fatigue and simply not feeling well are commonly the result of long-term de-conditioning. Through re-conditioning, an individual can restore and maintain true long term good health by obtaining the proper balance of fitness, nutrition, stress management and rest.

This is our goal for each patient at NMR by caring for:

  • Headaches
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Cardiovascular Conditioning
  • Sport Specific Conditioning
  • Scoliosis
  • Blood Pressure
  • Tendonitis
  • Poor Posture
  • Poor Nutrition
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Arthritis
  • Muscle Tension
  • Memory Loss
  • Osteoporosis
  • Joint & Muscle Pain
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Numbness
  • Dizziness
  • Digestive Problems

You will learn the effects and techniques for tempering stress and its toll on the body. We’ll help you explore the mind-body connection between stress and illness and gain a better understanding for the need to engage in stress reducing techniques.

We will teach you techniques that will help to reduce stress and the physical symptoms which can be a result of stress such as tight muscles, headaches, insomnia, anxiety and more. You will learn deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery techniques.

Natural Medicine & Rehabilitation (NMR) is dedicated to the science of healthy aging. Although time and genetics are constant, it is possible to maintain your biological age at a level younger than your chronological age.

NMR is a unique medical practice that emphasizes the enhancement of health over the treatment of disease. NMR is focused on prevention and wellness, resulting in a more dynamic life throughout middle age and beyond. Scientific studies have shown that by the age of 40, most adults have significantly lower levels of several essential hormones. This contributes to a slow and steady decline in energy, loss of muscle mass, increased body fat, weaker bones, loss of skin tone, lapses of memory and diminished sexual ability.

Optimal health means living with the energy and vitality of someone many years younger, NMR can help you add life to your years. Based on a thorough evaluation, including hormonal analysis and other biomarkers of aging, the NMR healthcare team will design a program tailor-made for your particular needs and goals. Your customized program will be a unique synergy of hormone modulation, optimal nutrition and exercise. Your body fat composition, hormonal levels and nutritional supplements will then be monitored regularly.

When you commit to the NMR program, our healthcare team will become your guide and partner to a fuller, more vital life.

At NMR the clinical management of a person’s weight revolves around the non-disputable principles of fundamental healthy macro-nutrition, dietary glycemic control and metabolic repair. Our passion is creating a healthier, stronger person from the inside and our concern is that many fall prey to weight loss gimmicks and games that purport weight loss without one’s health and body balance in mind.

Our weight loss approach can be clinically driven by one of our doctors and/or accomplished with weekly meetings of education and support on nutrition and therapeutic lifestyle changes that are critical to a healthier and fit individual. An initial complimentary consultation can let you know how NMR can assist you in your health and weight loss goals.

Full body relaxation, or Swedish Massage, is one of the best-known massage techniques.  The primary goal of the Swedish Massage is to relax the entire body and mind.  This is accomplished by massaging the muscles with long gliding strokes in the direction of blood returning to the heart.  Swedish Massage is exceptionally beneficial for increasing the level of oxygen in the blood stream, decreasing muscle tension, increasing detoxification of the body, improving circulation and flexibility, and maintaining the youthfulness of the skin.

Biofeedback Therapy is a mind-body technique used to teach patients how they can gain control over biological functions that normally occur automatically beneath the level of awareness such as blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and brainwave frequency. At Natural Medicine & Rehabilitation we use complex biofeedback machines and computer software to detect internal bodily functions with great sensitivity and precision that allow involuntary physical functions to be translated in ways that can be understood.

In essence biofeedback is a psychophysiological mirror by which a patient can monitor and learn from physiological signals produced by their bodies and can see in real time how their thoughts, emotions and body are interconnected.